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How is air traffic controlled from the control room consoles?

View : 1823
Author : Kesino
Update time : 2022-06-02 16:08:49

Do you ever wonder how air traffic is controlled from the control room? Do controllers who manage traffic control work as a team? So, we have a general idea of what happens in an airport. Well, it all starts in the control room consoles. Let's see how it works!


Monitoring the weather and flight plans

In a modern air traffic control room, you'll find a vast array of monitoring equipment. Some people work here who will make sure the planes get to their destinations safely. Air traffic control will monitor all the aircraft's weather and flight plans in their airspace. The positions of planets are tracked by radar and found on radar screens. Each flight is represented on one screen, usually with a picture of its plane during flight. The radar displays need to be updated because information can change instantly. A pilot can change his planned route at any time, or new weather patterns could form that need to be considered for flights in the next few hours.

Air traffic controllers keep track of all this information using computer systems developed over many years by NASA and other agencies worldwide. These systems allow them to view all available information about each plane. To make quick decisions based on what they know about each aircraft's location, heading, speed, altitude, and type of aircraft involved. And any changes pilots make during flight operations!

The position of each plane is indicated on one screen, usually with a picture of its aircraft during flight. Or even just its tail number.

Tracking flights

An air traffic control center is where the air traffic controllers operate. Air traffic controllers are responsible for the safe and orderly flow of air traffic at an airport. They work in an air traffic control center, a building with many people working together to monitor and manage all the planes flying in their airspace.

The most important thing they have to do is keep track of all the different aircraft flying around them. This job can be challenging because there are so many planes flying around at any moment! But these air traffic controllers have a lot of help from technology to make this job easier for them.

There are many different types of air traffic controllers. Some work at radar positions, which means they can see what is happening around the airport using radar equipment installed on top of buildings near airports. Others work inside an airport or control tower, where they oversee everything inside their airspace from one central location (called a "control station"). These people communicate through radio communication systems installed in the building. To easily share information about what's happening outside and inside their airspace at any given time.

Notifying pilots of potential collisions

Air traffic control systems are used to improve the efficiency of air travel and ensure that planes are safely separated during flight.

Air traffic control systems are made up of computers that can calculate an aircraft's relative position, predict its trajectory, and provide information to pilots about potential collisions. The computers also help optimize flight paths so that airplanes arrive at their destinations on time with minimal downtime or delay.

In the United States, it has been reported that 10 percent of overall flight delays are caused by the inability to separate airplanes that are taking off. However, computers are designed for this purpose, and they ensure a minimum amount of separation with less downtime.

Giving instructions to pilots

Air traffic control has an essential job. They supervise all the flights within a large area, so there are no collisions between aircraft. They also give instructions to pilots on which route they should take.

They have to make sure that the planes get in and out of the airports safely, and they also coordinate with each other to get everyone where they need to go on time.

Air traffic controllers also have to communicate clearly with pilots to keep them updated on any changes or delays in their flight plans.

They also need to know how many planes are in an area at any given time. To keep track of them all without any problems or accidents occurring during their shifts."

Keeping in contact with pilots

Air traffic controllers have an essential job: they help pilots stay safe in the air. They must first contact a pilot and then give them directions on taking off, landing and flying safely between different locations. They can provide these directions over the radio or by phone.

Many of these controllers are young children who are just beginning their careers as air traffic controllers. They work hard every day to ensure that planes reach their destinations safely and on time.

Controllers may also need to alert pilots about weather conditions such as storms or other dangers that could threaten their flight safety. Controllers must also keep track of all aircraft in their area to make sure no planes collide with one another during takeoff or landing time.


The air traffic control system is an incredible feat of technology and innovation. It relies on a network of radars to manage air traffic safely. They use sophisticated equipment to manage all aspects of air travel in real-time. Include monitoring the weather and flight plans, tracking flights, notifying pilots of potential collisions, giving instructions to pilots, and keeping in contact with pilots.

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